The House System

St. Lawrence College operates a house system.  Every child and member of staff is allocated one of three houses which they will be in for their life at St. Lawrence College. Houses are allocated when pupils start in Reception or when they join the school at a later stage. Children of the same family will be allocated the same house whilst ensuring that the number of pupils is fairly balanced between each house.

Our houses are named after three regional areas in Greece: Attica (blue), Epirus (green) and Macedonia (red).

Pupils have a sense of pride in belonging to a house

Houses are an important part of school life, as they create community spirit and give the children an opportunity to contribute to something bigger that involves children from all year groups.

Pupils have a sense of pride in belonging to a house and enjoy the “friendly” competition between houses. They have opportunities to experience such life skills as working as a team, leadership, achievement and at times disappointment.

House points are awarded for model behaviour, effort in learning, showing kindness to others and various other good deeds.  Pupils also participate and compete in competitions and events for house points throughout the year.  The points are tallied at the end of the year and the winning House is awarded the House Challenge Trophy.
