Welcome to the Senior School

Senior school education, experienced by pupils aged 11 to 18, in addition to being central to a child’s future should also be packed with learning, fun and self-discovery, taking place in a friendly and supportive environment.

The teachers and leaders of the St. Lawrence College senior school are therefore supremely aware of the immense importance of their role in ensuring the best possible educational journey for every child in our school.

...ensuring a rapid acclimatisation into a friendly learning environment...

Learning is vitally important and here at St. Lawrence College we recognise that learning takes place in a multitude of ways and is not restricted to academic tutoring aiming at formal educational qualifications. For this reason, pupils are encouraged to involve themselves and to enjoy activities as accessible and diverse as debating and forensics (public speaking), more than a dozen sports, charity work, environmental awareness and volunteer work, the International Award, drama, music, philosophy, chess as well as many others.

Academically, the senior school of St. Lawrence College follows the English national curriculum and so provides continuity for pupils joining from Year 6 of any British school, wherever that might be around the world. At St. Lawrence College we are also mindful of the fact that some pupils may have their first British school experience when joining our school during senior school. Every year we welcome new pupils into our school and we are well-practised in ensuring a rapid acclimatisation into a friendly learning environment, whatever the prior educational journey that the child has experienced.

At St. Lawrence College senior school classes follow the same stages as in the British education system.

Key Stage 3 (Years 7-9) gives pupils enormous opportunity to develop skills of enquiry and communication across a range of subjects. It is a vitally important Key Stage as it introduces pupils who have left junior school to a system of subject-specialist teachers with learning across ten subjects and also guides them right through the selection of the IGCSEs they will study. Pupils discover a lot about themselves in Key Stage 3, including an analysis of how they learn as they start to develop the study skills that will be vital to them in later examination years.

Key Stage 4 (Years 10-11) represents the IGCSE stage of the school. Pupils study a range of subjects and are supported by intensive guidance and formative assessment, designed to show them how they can improve their performance. Our pupils produce, year after year, extremely high IGCSE results which they and we are very proud of.

Key Stage 5 (Years 12-13) covers the AS and A-Level examinations; the traditional and most widely used school-leaving academic qualification system in British education globally. Pupils are challenged rigorously and, with additional emphasis placed on guidance from their teachers and tutors, progress towards the development of powerful independent study skills alongside classwork and homework. These are essential skills to have in place in anticipation for higher education and undergraduate study for Bachelor degrees. Indeed, more than 80% of our pupils proceed to UK universities following their A-Levels, while others take up studies in the USA and elsewhere around the world. Anything is possible with A-Levels.

The real strength of the senior school at St. Lawrence College comes from the constant and high-quality guidance, support and pastoral care that our pupils enjoy. This is especially so at the sensitive transition stages between Key Stages and during the university application process. Pupils are counselled at every stage through a diligent and caring network of pastoral care which, combined with a pupil-centred approach and a safe, happy environment, really allows pupils to flourish as they take ownership of their learning. You will find more details about the great emphasis we put on these issues elsewhere in this website, but rest assured - senior school at St. Lawrence College combines fun with challenge, opportunity with awareness, and all against a backdrop of academic rigour and substantial learning.

Above all, it is the aim of the senior school to help our pupils get ready for the world – both for their own sake and also so that they become productive, thoughtful and caring citizens in the global society that awaits to be enriched by them.
