School assemblies

Senior school assemblies
Assemblies create a chance for pupils to gather in a larger group, comprising a significant proportion of the school, in order to listen, learn and sometimes contribute to a key theme. As such, an assembly is a special moment in the week of a pupil’s schooling.

All pupils attend one of two assemblies per week while in senior school. As well as performing an administrative function, the purpose of an assembly is to raise awareness on a topic. This is often part of the delivery of the PSHE programme, initiating a topic that will be explored further in form classes. It might be to report on the activities of pupils in other spheres of the school, such as trips or debating or sporting tournaments. Or perhaps the assembly simply aims to provoke reflection among pupils on some aspect of global or local current affairs.

For example, in recent months, senior school assemblies have covered themes as diverse as examination preparation techniques; the dangers of tobacco and e-cigarettes; code-breaking and cryptology; the ethics of depicting animals as humans in photography; issues related to bullying; the results of a school photography competition and a celebration of origami – where all children created a paper box following live instruction.

Assemblies also provide an opportunity for collective commemoration. This is the case of anniversaries, with assemblies held for Remembrance Sunday and for Greek celebrations such as “Oxi Day” (28th October) and Greek Independence Day (25th March). Special assemblies may be called to commemorate major current affairs. The Peshawar school massacre of December 2014 and the Paris bombings of November 2015 both triggered whole school assemblies where pupils were given the opportunity to reflect quietly and collectively as a group.


Junior school assemblies
Every morning at 8.40am, all pupils in the Junior School assemble in the playground to meet their teachers, before being admitted into class.  Here the Headmistress and Deputy Headmistress greet the children to say good morning, make any important announcements and wish them a good day.  Very often morning assembly is also a time when we discuss whole school initiatives, acknowledge pupil achievements and have pupils present a variety of topics to the rest of the school.

Class assemblies are held on Fridays for all classes in Years1-6. Pupils prepare for several weeks to present a topic that is related to specific PSHE and Citizenship themes that they have been learning about. The children are encouraged to have their thinking extended by each assembly and often take part in follow up activities on the theme presented.

All of our assemblies follow themes and issues that we feel are important for our pupils to understand as they prepare for life in the modern world and also to cope with everyday life in school.  Such themes as learning about values, respect and tolerance, diversity, building resilience and being proud of who we are.
