Model United Nations – The MUN Club

The MUN Club meets once a week at lunchtime throughout the year and welcomes pupils of Year 8 and above.

The aim of the Club is the participation in organised and official MUN events. The Club is informal but instructive in its style and content, teaching children, year after year, about the work of the UN, current world affairs and the world of diplomacy. Simultaneously, pupils develop their skills of research, teamwork, public speaking and listening.

...pupils develop their skills of research, teamwork, public speaking and listening.

Children are encouraged to conduct online research in order to locate information related to the topics of their chosen committees. They are also expected to prepare resolutions that must be presented to the committees afterwards.

The MUN Club activities help children acquire knowledge and develop critical thinking that will prove valuable to them both within and beyond the classroom. They also help pupils understand the specifics of planning and strategy and teach them how they can persuade others by using arguments as well as existing laws and treaties.

The MUN experience ensures that children understand, appreciate and respect the differences between people of various nations and encourages them to start building friendships that can last a lifetime. What’s more, it helps pupils develop team work as well as strategic skills, gain confidence around speaking and presenting arguments in front of an audience and gives them a different perspective and direction by opening new frontiers for them, both inside and outside school.

Since it is open to all pupils from Year 8 and above, the MUN Club gives children of different ages the chance to work together by helping each other and exchanging experiences and knowledge towards a common goal.
