Our Promise

We promise to provide an environment that gives our pupils the best possible opportunities to develop as happy, curious, independent and eager life-long learners, who believe in themselves and in their limitless ability to learn; who are considerate of others and their needs and who care about their responsibilities as young citizens within a shared community and a diverse society.

...make a meaningful contribution to our world’s ever-pressing, ever-changing demands.

We will help our pupils gain appreciation and respect for education itself, and for the amazing opportunity they have been given by attending St. Lawrence College. When they eventually progress on from our school, every one of them will leave us fully equipped to face the world and its challenges.

They will be armed not only with globally recognised academic qualifications, but also with broader skills and with an ethos built upon a set of values that are fundamental to British education. Those values and skills will enable our pupils to flourish, while remaining confident that they can make a meaningful contribution to our world’s ever-pressing, ever-changing demands.
