Extra-curricular Activities - Senior School

Extra-curricular sports at St. Lawrence College are divided into two categories:

One includes all the senior school teams, which represent the school in all the interschool tournaments taking place amongst international schools of Greece, and the second includes all the sports clubs.

Most of the senior school sports clubs take place after a typical school day is over and offer an opportunity for all pupils to participate in a number of sports activities, exercise, socialize and advance their skills in the sports of their choice.

Senior school teams

  • Volleyball
  • Basketball
  • Soccer
  • Tennis

Four teams are represented, depending on age and gender.

  • Girls under-16 team
  • Girls over-16 team
  • Boys under-16 team
  • Boys over-16 team

Teams meet during lunch breaks, twice a week, throughout the year. They are open to all pupils in the senior school by selection following tryouts, which take place during the last two weeks of September. Teams regularly participate in interschool tournaments; every team gets to participate in one tournament.

Through the teams, pupils learn the rules and techniques of volleyball, develop discipline, sportsmanship, ethos, respect for each other, team work and patience. They also benefit from occasional visits from top volleyball players, who come to school to share experiences and inspire talented members of the teams.

Four teams are represented, depending on age and gender.

  • Girls under-16 team
  • Girls over-16 team
  • Boys under-16 team
  • Boys over 16-team

Teams meet during lunch breaks, twice a week, throughout the year. They are open to all pupils in the senior school, by selection following tryouts, which take place during the first two weeks of January. Teams regularly participate in interschool tournaments; every team gets to participate in one tournament.

Through the teams, pupils get to learn the rules and techniques of basketball, develop discipline, sportsmanship, ethos, respect for each other, team work and patience. They also benefit from occasional visits from top basketball players, who come to school to share experiences and inspire talented members of the teams.

Six teams are represented, depending on the age and the gender.

  • Girls under-14 team
  • Girls under-16 team
  • Girls over-16 team
  • Boys under-14 team
  • Boys under-16 team
  • Boys over-16 team

Teams meet during lunch breaks, twice a week, throughout the year. They are open to all pupils in the senior school, by selection following tryouts, which take place the last two weeks of September for all the under and over-16 teams and on the first week of January for the under-14 teams. Teams regularly participate in interschool tournaments; every team gets to participate in one tournament.

Through the teams, pupils get to learn the rules and techniques of football, develop discipline, sportsmanship, ethos, respect for each other, team work and patience. They also benefit from occasional visits from top football players, who come to school to share experiences and inspire talented members of the teams.

Four teams are represented, depending on the age and the gender.

  • Girls under-14 team
  • Girls under-16 team
  • Boys under-14 team
  • Boys under-16 team

Teams meet during lunch breaks, twice a week, throughout the year. They are open to all pupils in the senior school, by selection following tryouts, which take place the first two weeks of April. Teams regularly participate in interschool tournaments; every team gets to participate in one tournament.

Through the teams, pupils get to learn the rules and techniques of tennis, develop discipline, sportsmanship, ethos, respect for each other, team work and patience. They also benefit from occasional visits from top tennis players, who come to school to share experiences and inspire talented members of the teams.

Senior school clubs
The clubs offered are as follows:

  • Rugby
  • Basketball
  • Soccer
  • Swimming
  • Tennis
  • Table tennis


The club meets once a week, after school, throughout the year. It is open to all pupils in the senior school and participates in occasional matches against other schools.

Pupils get to learn the rules and techniques of rugby, as well as developing characteristics such as integrity, passion, solidarity, discipline and respect, while practicing Tag Rugby, Rugby Sevens and Rugby Union.

The club is suitable for beginners and pupils who have played rugby to a good standard.

The club meets once a week, after school, throughout the year. It is open to all pupils in the senior school and participates in occasional matches against other schools.

Pupils get to learn the rules and techniques of basketball and advance their skills at the game.

The club is suitable for beginners and pupils who have already played to a good standard.

The club meets once a week, after school, throughout the year. It is open to all pupils in the senior school and participates in occasional matches against other schools.

Pupils get to learn the rules and techniques of soccer and advance their skills at the game.

The club is suitable for beginners and pupils who have already played to a good standard.

The club meets once a week, after school. It is open to all pupils in the senior school and participates in occasional matches against other schools, as well as in internal school competitions according to the year group of the pupil.

Pupils get to learn the techniques of all swimming styles and advance their skills, while also improving their stamina and strengthening both their upper and lower body. The club is suitable for beginners and pupils who have already been swimming to a good standard. Pupils are streamed in groups according to their swimming level.

The club meets once a week, after school, throughout the year. It is open to all pupils in the senior school and participates in occasional matches against other schools or clubs.

Pupils get to learn the rules and techniques of tennis and advance their skills at the game.

The club is suitable for beginners and pupils who have already played to a good standard.

Table tennis
The club meets twice a week, during lunchtime, throughout the year. It is open to all pupils in the senior school and participates in internal school competitions, according to key stage, as well as in occasional matches against other schools.

Pupils get to learn the rules and techniques of table tennis and advance their skills at the game. They also benefit from occasional visits from top table tennis players, who come to school to share experiences and inspire talented members of the teams.

The club is suitable for beginners and pupils who have already played to a good standard.
