International Award

St. Lawrence College is proud to deliver The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award

The Award

The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award is the world’s leading youth achievement award, bringing together practical experiences and useful skills to equip young people for life. Since it was founded, in 1956, by His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh (husband to Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom), over eight million young people have participated in the Award in over 140 countries and territories. Schools, colleges, universities, employers, social clubs, youth organisations such as the Scouts, Girl Scouts and Girl Guides, young offenders’ institutions, religious organisations, sports clubs and more all run the Award.

...the world’s leading youth achievement award...

St. Lawrence College has a long history of offering the International Award to young people aged 15 to 18 and the numbers of pupils involved has grown steadily over the years, making it one of our most popular activities.

What is involved?

The Award is voluntary, non-competitive, enjoyable and balanced, and requires effort over time. There are two levels of the Award at our school: Bronze and Silver.

The Bronze Award

The Bronze award is open to Year 10 pupils and its club meets once a week after school, from 3.30 to 4.30 pm. For the Bronze award, children are expected to undertake four adventurous expeditions –to Mt. Parnitha, Mt. Hymettos, Mt. Helikonas (with overnight camping) and Kea Island (with overnight camping).

The Silver Award

The Silver Award is open to pupils from Year 11 and above, who meet occasionally during school lunchtimes and more frequently prior to expeditions. For the Silver Award, children are expected to undertake two treks –to Mt. Menalo and Mt. Parnassos (3 days and 2 nights each).

Young people design their own Award programme, set their own goals and record their own progress. They must complete voluntary work, commit to physical recreation, learn a new skill and go on an expedition. During the expedition, they are only competing against themselves by challenging their own beliefs about what they can achieve.

More information on The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award can be found at
