Homework information

Homework is an important part of the educational process at St. Lawrence College, serving the goal of complementing schoolwork covered in the day while also facilitating the academic and personal development of our pupils.

Specifically, the purpose of homework is:

  • To consolidate knowledge and reinforce understanding
  • To help pupils gain the maximum benefit from future lessons through preparation and reading
  • To teach the skills of organisation and time management
  • To provide an opportunity for the creative use of available knowledge
  • To encourage independent thinking

Different types of homework tasks include:

  • The creative use of knowledge in the form of a project
  • A writing assignment which helps to consolidate understanding
  • A task which provides further practice of skills taught in the classroom
  • Revision for a test/exam
  • Preparation for an oral presentation
  • Reading/researching in order to prepare for a new topic

Parents can expect that homework assigned to their children is clearly explained, but also appropriate and suitably tailored to meet the needs and abilities of each pupil. It always has a distinct purpose and is achievable in the amount of time which has been given for it to be completed. Last but not least, every homework task is assessed and its assessment is accompanied by specific feedback, which clearly shows each pupil how to improve further.

Pupils are expected to:

  • Carry a homework diary at all times in order to take responsibility for their learning by noting down homework instructions and due dates.
  • Take the initiative to find out what homework has been set as soon as possible in the event of being absent from a class.
  • Ensure that homework is completed on time to the best of their ability.
  • Take responsibility for assigned homework by organising their after school time effectively.
  • Seek clarification from their subject teacher if they feel uncertain or are facing any difficulties.

How much
While homework assignments may vary in terms of length and therefore in terms of the amount of time they require, as a general rule each year group is given the following amount of homework per day:

  • Key Stage 3 (Years 7, 8 and 9): 1-2 hours
  • Key Stage 4 (Years 10 and 11): 2-2 ½ hours
  • Key Stage 5 (Lower and Upper Sixth): 2-3 hours

Pupils in Years 7-9 are not given homework during holidays but are encouraged to read for pleasure, research more extensively different topics on the syllabus and/or revise the work they have done, in order to consolidate their knowledge. Similarly, in the week before internal exams, homework is limited to the revision of relevant topics or tasks, which specifically practise skills needed for the exams.

Failure to deliver assigned homework without good reason will lead to action being taken by the subject teacher. This varies according to individual department policies but could include:

  • Marks being deducted from late work or the work being given no mark
  • A detention or, in the case of consistently late/missed homework, a Headmaster’s detention
  • Parents/guardians being contacted