Pastoral Care: Further Support


Pastoral Care: Supporting Social, Emotional and Physical Well-Being

At St. Lawrence College we recognise that the positive relationship between young people, their parents, their friends, and the school is fundamental for our pupils to grow and flourish into well-rounded individuals. Children and teenagers today, in all walks of life, face real concerns; they are exposed to some overwhelming external and internal struggles. It is important that pupils and parents have access to accurate and appropriate information about social, emotional and physical well-being. This page shares highly relevant guidance from many well-regarded external agencies and services, both in the U.K. and here in Greece, that will help to support the needs of our pupils and their families. Click the links to access up-to-date documents about a range of pastoral care issues.


Websites and helplines for a variety of organisations related to the well-being of young people


Mental health and well-being

You are never too young to talk about mental health Tips for parents and carers on talking to young children. (Anna Freud)

Understanding Mental Health Problems Information for anyone who experiences problems with their mental health. (SAMH)

Am I ok? Thinking about your mental health. (SAMH)

How can I ask for help Tips for when it’s time to talk about your mental health, or if you want to help a friend. (CWMT)

How to help a friend A guide to helping your friend with their mental health. (SAMH)

Helping someone else How to support a friend with their mental health. (Anna Freud)

5 ways for better well-being How pupils can look after their mental health and well-being. (SAMH)

I am worried about my child A guide for parents and carers worried about their child’s mental health. (SAMH)

Starting the mental health conversation How to talk to your children about mental health. (SAMH)

A parent’s guide to talking mental health with young people at secondary school Advice about how to talk to your child about mental health issues. (Anna Freud)

5 ways for better well-being for families How to look after your family’s mental health and well-being. (SAMH)

Seasonal Self Care Survival Kit Looking after your mental health over the Christmas and New Year period. (Anna Freud)

Self-care pack (Junior School) What Junior School children can do to look after their mental health. (Anna Freud)

Self-care pack (Senior School) What Senior School children can do to look after their mental health. (Anna Freud)


Low mood and depression

Understanding Depression Information about the symptoms, treatment and strategies to deal with depression. (SAMH)

Depression the warning signs What are the warning signs that you or someone you know may be depressed? (CWMT)

Depression Facts and advice about the ‘common cold of psychiatry’. (CWMT)

A parent’s guide to depression Supporting your child with depression. (CWMT)

Depression and Low Mood A self help guide for anyone experiencing depression and low mood. (NHS)



Stress A guide to understand stress, how you can help yourself and get support. (Mind)

Exam stress Useful tips for those sitting exams. (Childline)



Understanding Anxiety Advice aimed at anyone suffering from anxiety. (SAMH)



Issues with self-esteem?  A self-help book to help you cope better with low self-esteem. (Wellbeing Glasgow)



Anger Explaining anger, practical suggestions for what you can do to deal with anger and where you can go for support. (SAMH)

Anger Issues A self-help book to help you cope better with irritability and anger. (Wellbeing Glasgow)



Perfectionism When striving for excellence becomes unhealthy. (CWMT)


Social connections

The social connection planner How to better meet your social needs. (The Wellness Society)



Understanding self-harm Information for anyone that self-harms, their friends and family. (SAMH)

A parent’s guide to self-harm The nature and causes of self-harm and how to support a young person that is facing this problem. (CWMT)


Suicidal thoughts

Suicidal feelings A booklet explaining why you may have suicidal feelings and providing some options to help you look forward and break the cycle of negative thoughts. (Mind UK)

How to support someone who feels suicidal Practical suggestions for what you can do to support someone who is suicidal and where you can go for support. (Mind UK)


Eating Disorders

Eating disorders – A carers booklet A guide for friends and family of someone who has bulimia, anorexia, binge eating disorder or OSFED/EDNOS. (Beat UK)

Eating Disorders – the signs What to look out for as the first signs of an eating disorder. (Beat UK)

Eating Disorders Advice if you are worried that someone has an eating disorder. (Beat UK)



A parent’s guide to alcohol What is the harm of alcohol before 18 years of age? (What’s the harm, UK)



The Truth about Drugs An A-Z booklet giving the low down on lots of legal and illegal drugs. (Talk to Frank)

Drugs – Does your child know more than you? Detailed drugs advice for parents and carers. (Talk to Frank)



A parent’s guide to bullying Information and advice to support you and your child if they are being bullied. (Family Lives)

Cyberbullying 10 things you need to know to support your child. (Internet Matters)

Anti-bullying A tool for parents and carers. (Anti-Bullying Alliance)



After a loved one dies – how children grieve How parents and adults can support bereaved children and young people. (New York Life Foundation)

Coping with the loss of a loved one Some guidance on grief and bereavement. (


Divorce or separation of parents

Questions and answers about separation for children Answers to the most common questions about separation in simple terms a young person can understand. (Australian Government)

My family’s changing Coping with your feelings when your parents separate or divorce. (CAFCASS)



A parent’s guide to successful step-families Advice and guidance for step-families. (Family Lives)



Coming out Answers to some questions you may have. (Stonewall)

Transgender A guide for parents and family members of the transgender community. (Consortium of LGBT voluntary and community organisations)


Social Media

Building a good online reputation Tips to help children create a good digital footprint. (Internet Matters)

Social Media and Teenagers A practical approach including a family digital strategy. (CWMT)

Instagram Checklist to make sure that your Instagram account is safe. (Internet Matters)

Instagram  Advice to young people on social media. (SWGFL)

Parental control - Instagram Parental advice for safety and privacy. (Internet Matters)

Snapchat  Advice to young people on social media. (SWGFL)

Parental control - Snapchat Parental advice for safety and privacy. (Internet Matters)

Tik Tok Advice to young people on social media. (SWGFL)

Parental control – Tik Tok Parental advice for safety and privacy. (Internet Matters)

Facebook Advice to young people on social media. (SWGFL)

Parental control – Facebook Parental advice for safety and privacy. (Internet Matters)

Whatsapp Advice to young people on social media. (Internet matters)

Parental control – Whatsapp Parental advice for safety and privacy. (Internet Matters)

Parental control – Youtube Parental advice for safety and privacy. (Internet Matters)

Cyberbullying 10 things you need to know to support your child. (Internet Matters)


Internet safety

Online safety for parents of children 0-5 years Offers advice on how to ensure that very young children remain safe when online. (Internet Matters)

Online safety for parents of children 6-10 years Offers advice on how to ensure that young children remain safe when online. (Internet Matters)

Online safety for parents of children 11-13 years Offers advice on how to ensure that young people remain safe when online. (Internet Matters)

Online safety for parents of children 14+ years Offers advice on how to ensure that young people remain safe when online. (Internet Matters)

Moving to secondary school guide Offers advice on how to ensure that children transitioning between junior and senior school remain safe when online. (Internet Matters)

A parent’s secondary school guide Information about how to support your child so they are safe online. (Internet Matters)

Set up safe checklist A simple checklist for your child’s safety on the internet. (Internet Matters)

Digital resilience 11-13 years Advice for parents of children 11-13 to help them become more digitally savvy. (Internet Matters)

Digital resilience 14+ years Advice for parents of teens to help children become more digitally savvy. (Internet Matters)


Online Gaming

Gaming advice to support teens Parental advice for when teenagers play computer games. (Internet Matters)

Online gaming An introduction for parents and carers. (Childnet International)


Balancing Screen Time

Balancing screen time Key Stage 3 Advice for parents on helping children in Years 7-9 find a balance between life on and offline. (Internet Matters)

Balancing screen time Key Stage 4 and 5 Advice for parents on helping young people in Years 10-13 find a balance between life on and offline. (Internet Matters)

