Musically Talented Pupils

Musically Talented Pupils Entire School

On Monday 29th May, we warmly welcomed friends and family across our junior and senior schools to the Efilena Estate adjacent to the school for an evening of pleasant listening. The children taught by tutors in our peripatetic music school, practised their craft for many hours in preparation of this event to display their talent and hard work. Whether in Year 1 or year 13, the pride in parents’ faces was evident as they saw how beautifully their children played to the packed audience. Singers too, put on a show with a performance that enchanted the audience. Congratulations to all those children who participated and exhibited their musical accomplishments.

  • Musically Talented Pupils - Media Gallery
  • Musically Talented Pupils - Media Gallery 2
  • Musically Talented Pupils - Media Gallery 3
  • Musically Talented Pupils - Media Gallery 4