Cyrano de Bergerac, a soldier in the French Army, is a gifted poet who unfortunately has an obnoxiously large nose. He has endless unrequited love for his distant cousin, the beautiful Roxanne, but he believes his ugliness bars him from the "dream of being loved by even an ugly woman." Roxanne loves Christian de Neuvillette, who is unable to romance her, so Cyrano writes love letters to Roxanne and woos her whilst pretending to be Christian.
The senior school drama club put on a wonderful performance of this tragic comedy with real gusto, under the directorship of our new drama teacher Ms Marianthi Kiriou. The play was performed on a warm May evening in the amphitheatre under a full moon rising. The cast was made up of young pupils in the senior school from KS3, and we were impressed by their abilities. Families, friends and staff gave them all a well-deserved standing ovation!
Congratulations to them all!