Discovering History

Discovering History Junior School

On Wednesday 15th November 2017, Year 5 pupils who follow Ancient Greek History this year visited the National Archaeological Museum in Athens. They toured the Prehistoric Collections  of the Cycladic, Minoan, and Mycenaean eras. They followed an educational programme on the main characteristics of these civilisations in Greece focusing on architecture, weaponry, pottery, sculpture, wall-paintings, jewellery and burial customs. The visit was concluded with a view of artefacts from the Geometric and Archaic periods. 

The children appreciated the opportunity to take their learning out of the classroom where they could see first hand, real artefacts from the past. A worthwhile visit indeed!

  • Discovering History - Media Gallery
  • Discovering History - Media Gallery 2
  • Discovering History - Media Gallery 3
  • Discovering History - Media Gallery 4